13 Foods That Help Maintain Healthier Veins
13 Foods That Help Maintain Healthier Veins
Fiber-Rich Foods
Fiber helps our bodies out in a myriad of ways, and those benefits certainly extend to our veins. It’s recommended that vein patients eat a healthy amount of fiber-rich foods such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread, and brown rice. It should additionally be noted that fiber prevents constipation, and constipation can potentially lead to varicose vein formation.
Not only is cayenne delicious as a seasoning, it also contains some significant cell protecting properties.
Tastes good on pretty much everything and an incredible anti-inflammatory agent.
Brussels Sprouts
These can be hard to stomach sometimes, admittedly, but the fact is that brussels sprouts are loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C.
Spinach is an absolute gold mine of antioxidants.
Broccoli is jam-packed with vitamin C. It’s advised that vein patients eat their broccoli raw as often as possible in order to maximize the benefits they get from it.
Not only are onions a formidable antioxidant, but they’re their own arsenal of incredibly beneficial vitamins and minerals, such as zinc, vitamin B6, vitamin C, protein, folic acid, calcium, fiber, selenium, and potassium.
Buckwheat improves a person’s venous tone thanks to its richness in rutin. Additionally, vein patients can steep dried buckwheat leaves in hot water in order t make a tea. This is typically found in kasha, pancakes, and soba noodles.
Red Bell Peppers
Many people don’t know this, but red bell peppers actually contain three times more vitamin C than orange juice! Once again, it’s advised that patients eat these raw in order to get the most out of them.
Moving on to the fruits, berries contain tannins; these shield individuals against blood vessel leakage and free radicals. Those suffering from vein disease are encouraged to pick any number and assortment of berries, whether they’re blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries.
Tropical Fruits
Tropical fruits like papaya and mangos are rich with bioflavonoids.
Cherries, Grapes, and Black Currants
While they aren’t technically berries, these bite-sized fruits offer incredible antioxidant dosages. When it comes to getting the most antioxidants out of fruits, those with varicose veins hilaleah need only remember one thing: the darker the fruit, the better the antioxidants.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits contain plenty of oxerutins (like diosmin and hesperidin) and, of course, lots of vitamin C. Vein patients are advised to consume a healthy amount of either lemons, oranges, grapefruit, and limes. Though it’s not the most appetizing part of citrus fruits, the peel is filled with rutins, so vein patients would do well to find way to incorporate the peels into their meals, perhaps blended up as part of a fruit shake.